WW2 GERMAN kriegsmarine / WAFFEN SS PANZER leather GREYHOUND JACKET sm wholesale from the movie
Greyhound Jacket. This black leather jacket is a very heavy but supple jacket made for the Tom Hanks movie Greyhound. The jacket is a WW2 NCO submarine jacket in unused or worn condition. It is brand new and made by SM Wholesale USA. The quality of their work is unsurpassed. The new jackets go for US$ 599 but only available in grey. This one is a one-of-a-kind for the movies in Black. A very heavy jacket that can withstand the cold.
a JACKET sold on consignment for a collector in arnhem holland . price is £400 .it will be mailed from holand for more info please contact direct to avandertang@vdtnl.com
Code: 55572